Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month Highlights Needs for Early Detection and More Research

While papillary and follicular thyroid cancers are usually treatable if found early, some types and variants are often aggressive and difficult to treat—medullary thyroid cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer, and many variants of papillary and follicular thyroid cancer. 

People of all ages from infants through seniors, can be diagnosed with thyroid cancer. In addition, patients need lifelong daily medication and periodic testing following treatment, and the treatments used may have side effects that impact the survivor’s quality of life. 

These are some of many reasons why ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. sponsors Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month each September, worldwide.  

Throughout Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, survivors, caregivers, and friends in more than 100 countries, together with collaborating organizations, will communicate:  

  • “Find It Early” messages encouraging neck checks through palpation, and expert follow-up. 
  • The urgent need for more research for new treatments and cures for all thyroid cancer. 
  • Connections to thyroid cancer seminars, awareness and fundraising events, and the annual international Conference. 

Free tools, tips, flyers and images are available at our Raise Awareness page. 

ThyCa encourages everyone to ask their doctors to palpate their necks when they visit their doctors. This neck check can be done quickly and should be part of your regular, routine care plan.

About ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. 

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is a nonprofit organization of thyroid cancer survivors, caregivers, and health care professionals, dedicated to support, education, communication, awareness, and thyroid cancer research funding. 

This year ThyCa is marking its 22nd year of providing a wide array of free services and resources to thyroid cancer survivors, families, medical professionals, and the public. These include thyroid cancer support groups in seven countries; one-to-one support available worldwide; educational events including seminars, workshops, webinars, and the annual International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference; free publications including handbooks on all types of thyroid cancer, weekly online newsletter, downloadable low-iodine cookbook, a patient information packet, and thyroid cancer awareness materials; and pediatric backpacks with information kits for children and teens with thyroid cancer and their families. ThyCa’s educational web site has more than 850 pages in 9 languages: English, Chinese, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. 

ThyCa receives guidance from its Medical Advisory Council of more than 50 world-recognized experts in the field of thyroid cancer. ThyCa sponsors Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month in September, a worldwide observance, plus year-round awareness campaigns, as well as, and the. Details are available on ThyCa’s website or by calling 1-877-588-7904 or e-mailing