Andrew’s Cancer Triathlon for His Daddy
March 16, 2015 – We are saddened that Rob Bohning has passed away, and extend our heartfelt condolences to all his family.
Congratulations, Andrew!
Andrew’s Triathlon was a big success!
Eight-year-old Andrew swam, rode, and ran in a Children’s Triathlon on July 19, 2014, raising nearly $7,000 for research on the rare and incurable stage 4 medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) that his father Rob Bohning is fighting.
Thanks very much to all the wonderful donors!
It’s not too late to make a donation to this moving fundraiser.
100% of all donations will go to ThyCa’s Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) Research Fund to support research on MTC.
Below are some photos from the big day: Andrew running the Triathlon, and the Bohning Family.
Read more below the photos.
Please help! Click Here to donate before, during, or after Andrew’s Triathlon.
“On July 19, 2014, my 8-year-old son Andrew will run, ride, and swim in a Triathlon to raise money for the rare and incurable stage 4 cancer that I am fighting,” writes Rob Bohning. Rob has Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) and has been fundraising for MTC research through his 4th Stage Cycling club.
Rob set up a Facebook page for Andrew’s Triathlon.
With one photo of Andrew, Rob writes, ‘Seriously, this dude can outswim me, and I was an expert swimmer in the Marines!”
Andrew’s Triathlon takes place at the Hill Country Kids and Family Triathlon at the Hill Country Triathlon Club near Austin, Texas.
Rob says “I’m watching Andrew train and he’s already able to complete all 3 legs of the event—a 5 mile bike ride, a ½ mile run, and a ¼ mile swim.”
Let’s cheer Andrew on and support his amazing Triathlon!
All donations and proceeds go directly to ThyCa’s Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC) Research Fund to support research on MTC.
You’re invited to donate. Click Here.
Thank you very much for your support of Andrew’s Triathlon for his Daddy!
And our special thanks to Andrew and Rob for your terrific efforts in support of research for cures!