ThyCa NEWS NOTES – December 2011

In This Issue:

Now Online: The complete Thyroid Cancer Basics booklet

This booklet is free. Its 50 pages are packed with information about thyroid cancer diagnosis, staging, treatments, long-term followup, and more.

Read and download Thyroid Cancer Basics

The printed edition will also be available soon. It is free as well, and a wonderful resource for anyone with thyroid cancer. We mail it anywhere in the world.

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Call for Research Proposals: Due by January 31, 2012

ThyCa’s Thyroid Cancer Research Grants Are Open to Researchers Worldwide

In 2012, for the tenth year in a row, ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. will award new grants for thyroid cancer research.

ThyCa is proud to expand our grants program for 2012. ThyCa will award three new grants in 2012. Each grant will be for 2 years.

One grant will support research on follicular-cell-derived thyroid cancer, including papillary, follicular, anaplastic, and variants. A second grant will support research in medullary thyroid cancer. The third grant will be for the best research project available. In addition, ThyCa will award three 2011 continuation grants.

The ThyCa Research grants are open to all researchers and institutions worldwide.

An independent expert panel of the American Thyroid Association (ATA) will select the grant recipients. ATA is the professional association of clinicians and researchers specializing in thyroid diseases.

The Call for Proposals and the eligibility requirements are now available on the ATA web site ( The deadline for submission of a proposal summary to the ATA is January 31, 2012. The ATA Research Committee will rank proposals according to their scientific merit. ATA will notify the authors of selected proposals by early March and will invite them to submit complete grant applications. They will select the winning proposals from these complete grant applications.

The ThyCa grants, begun in 2003, are the first-ever thyroid cancer research grants to be funded entirely by thyroid cancer patients, caregivers, and friends.

ThyCa has awarded grants to researchers at the following institutions in four countries:

  • Cochin Institut, Paris, France
  • Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio and Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
  • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York
  • Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
  • University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
  • University Hospital Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany
  • University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)/Veterans Affairs West Los Angeles Health Care System, Los Angeles, California
  • University of Illinois at Chicago.
  • University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
  • Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC

ThyCa has two Research Funds. One fund supports research of follicular-cell-derived thyroid cancer, including papillary, follicular, anaplastic, and variants. The other research fund supports research of medullary thyroid cancer.
To find out more about the ThyCa Research Funds and annual Rally for Research, visit our Reearch Fund page

ThyCa invites everyone to join us in our quest to find a cure for all thyroid cancer.

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Have You Watched/Listened to all the Free Webinars?

The speakers are all thyroid cancer experts who are ThyCa Medical Advisors.

You can watch these informative webinars at your leisure, at any time, from anywhere in the world.

To find the free Webinars, and learn more about the speakers go to our Webinars page.

If you’ve already seen some or all of the webinars, help others find them also. Tell your friends about these great opportunities to learn about all types of thyroid cancer.

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Thyrogen Supply Update Received

In December 2011 ThyCa received an update from Genzyme about Thyrogen. Due to progress in manufacturing operations, Genzyme expects the global supply to improve in 2012, compared to 2011, though it still expects supply constraints. Genzyme estimates that the 2012 supply will be 60-80% of levels globally in 2010, the year before the shortage. ThyCa has posted the announcement on the web site.

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Team Neck and Neck to Participate in 2012 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend

In January 2012, Team Neck and Neck, organized and led by thyroid cancer survivor and activist, Tina Descovich, will join the 2012 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend to raise awareness of thyroid cancer as well as funds for ThyCa.

Tina has also designed a special new running shirt, the Thyroid Cancer Neck Check Awareness Shirt, for runners to wear as they run for thyroid cancer awareness. ThyCa displayed and sold similarly designed colorful shirts at the Conference in October, and will soon have them available for you to buy through our web site.

“There’s something magical about being in a race, knowing each mile is making a difference for Thyroid Cancer Awareness and Research, Tina writes.

“Running in races is an extremely rewarding experience for me. I like setting goals and meeting them. I like to accomplish things.”

To find out more about Tina’s wonderful effort, and how you can support it and ThyCa at the same time, go to Team Neck and Neck’s website.

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SNM Launches New Molecular Imaging Site; ThyCa Is Partnering

The Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) has launched a new web site to explain molecular imaging and nuclear medicine to patients.

The site’s goal is to provide patients with information about nuclear medicine and molecular imaging and its role in the detection, treatment, and management of diseases. The site focuses on cancer, heart disease, and brain disease. It explains imaging techniques including PET scans, PET/CT scans, and others. is supported by SNM’s Patient Advocacy Advisory Board (PAAB). ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is pleased to be part of this board. Gary Bloom, ThyCa Executive Director, represents ThyCa on the PAAB.

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Jana Raises Thyroid Cancer Awareness and Funds for ThyCa

Jana Smith of Chicago has developed creative ways to raise awareness of thyroid cancer, while raising funds for ThyCa through donating a portion of the proceeds from her handcrafted jewelry business.

Jana writes, “Almost 9 years ago, I found out that I had thyroid cancer… unfortunately the cancer spread to my entire neck. I needed to have radioactive iodine, which caused me to be put in isolation for a few days.”

“I was soo bored of reading books and watching movies, and I also wanted to hide the scar on my neck, so I started making necklaces … I gave necklaces to friends and family … and everyone kept telling me how many compliments they were receiving. After being approached by a store owner about a necklace I was wearing one day, I decided to start selling my designs.”

“Though the years, I’ve had jewelry parties and sold to some stores, but I was mostly focusing on having and raising my three beautiful children. If I never got sick then I probably would have never started designing jewelry.”

“My company is named Anaj, which is my name backwards. I donate a percentage of my proceeds to ThyCa. I want people to know what thyroid cancer is all about. I hear about more and more people diagnosed lately and they need to be educated about what they’re going through.”

“I was recently featured in the November issue of Michigan Avenue Magazine. After the article was released, they hosted an Anaj party and I raised almost $2,000 for ThyCa. I am very proud that I made something really good come out of something so awful.”

Thank you, Jana, for helping educate others about thyroid cancer, and for your wonderful support of ThyCa.

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Free January Seminar in North Carolina

Michael Thomas, M.D., Endocrinologist, will speak and answer questions about “Feeling Well on Thyroid Medication” during ThyCa Raleigh, North Carolina’s regularly scheduled support group meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2012.

Everyone interested in thyroid cancer is welcome to attend. Details are here.

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Free Seminar in Massachusetts

Roy Phitayakorn, M.D., MHPE, Massachusetts General Hospital, will speak and answer questions about thyroid cancer and thyroid cancer surgery at the ThyCa Boston Support Group Meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2012.

Details are here: If you’re in the Boston, Massachusetts, area, hope you can attend!

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Support Groups Meet

Lots of local support groups have meetings in December, January, and every month. People at all phases of testing, treatment, and followup for thyroid cancer are welcome. Locations, dates, & the volunteer facilitators’ contact details are here.

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ThyCa Again Accepted into the Combined Federal CampaignThyCa’s CFC # is 11675

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association has again been accepted into the world’s largest workplace giving campaign.

Federal civilian, postal, and military employees are able to choose ThyCa as a recipient of their workplace donations through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). This federal employees’ charitable giving campaign raises millions of dollars each year for thousands of nonprofits providing health and human services throughout the world.

Donations to ThyCa through CFC will support free education, support, and resources, as well as thyroid cancer research.

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Follow ThyCa on Facebook and Twitter

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Tell a Friend

You can help others find the free support, education, and communication that ThyCa provides. We serve people in 64 countries around the world, and reach more people every day. An easy way to spread the word and help others is to e-mail a link to the home page Use your web browser’s function “e-mail a link to this page,” so that the link will be placed into an e-mail message that you can send, or else just type in the link address yourself.

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Low-Iodine Recipe of the MonthContributed by Bridget C. of Illinois

King Arthur Flour’s Flourless Fudge Cookies

2 ¼ cups confectioners’ sugar
¼ teaspoon salt (noniodized)
1 teaspoon espresso powder, optional but good
1 cup cocoa powder, Dutch-process (European-style) preferred*
3 large egg whites
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

*For darker, richer-looking cookies, substitute 1/4 cup black cocoa for 1/4 cup of the Dutch-process cocoa

  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease two baking sheets. Or line with parchment, and grease the parchment.
  2. Stir together all of the ingredients till smooth. Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl, and stir again till smooth.
  3. Drop the dough onto the prepared baking sheets in balls about the size of ping pong balls, about 1 1/2″; a tablespoon cookie scoop works well here.
  4. Bake the cookies for 8 minutes; they should spread, become somewhat shiny, and develop faintly crackly tops.
  5. Remove the cookies from the oven, and allow them to cool right on the pan.
  6. Yield: 16 large (3 inch) cookies.

Nutrition information:

Serving Size: 1 cookie, 29g. Servings Per Batch: 16. Amount Per Serving: Calories: 80; Calories from Fat: 10; Total Fat: 3g; Saturated Fat: 0g; Trans Fat: 0g;Cholesterol: 0mg; Sodium: 47mg; Total Carbohydrate: 18g; Dietary Fiber: 1g; Sugars: 17g;Protein: 1g.

Editor’s Note: Thank you, Bridget, for contributing your recipe. We will include it in the next edition of ThyCa’s FREE Downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook.

Free and Downloadable

Download the 7th edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook in English for free, with more than 340 favorite recipes from more than 150 generous volunteers.

The Cookbook is also available in:

  • Spanish and
  • French

Please remember, while you’re welcome to download and print the entire free low-iodine cookbook, you can also print just the pages you need.

This free cookbook is a wonderful help when you’re preparing to receive radioactive iodine for treatment or testing. All the recipes are favorites of some of our ThyCa volunteers, who are sharing them with everyone, to make the low-iodine diet easy and tasty. The recipes are also great for family meals and for potlucks, any time.

If you’d like to contribute your favorite recipe or tip, send it to

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Help Raise Awareness — Get Free Materials

Free thyroid cancer awareness materials are available for downloading, or by mail from ThyCa. We mail free materials anywhere in the world, to thyroid cancer survivors, family members, physicians for their patients, and health and community organizations. For free materials, e-mail us at

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ThyCa’s Free Guestbook

By signing up in ThyCa’s free Guestbook, you’ll receive the latest news about thyroid cancer, new free publications, events, and more.

The standard of care for thyroid cancer has changed dramatically in the past few years. Research continues to make advances.

We want to help you stay connected and informed. Our mission is to be there for every person affected by thyroid cancer.

If you haven’t already signed up, we invite you to sign up today.

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Join Us, Become a Member

Help us sustain, strengthen, and extend our services. We invite you to become a member of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Your membership dues will support ThyCa’s efforts to reach and serve other survivors and their families around the world. Members receive our quarterly Membership Messenger newsletter.

Membership is open to everyone worldwide. You may become a 1-year ThyCa member ($25), 2-year member ($45), or lifetime member ($225). For our online Membership Form and our mailed Membership Form, go to our Membership page.

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Support the Rally for Research

Thanks to generous contributions and special fundraising events, ThyCa has awarded new thyroid cancer research grants every year starting in 2003. These grants support our goal of cures for all thyroid cancer and a future free of thyroid cancer. We plan to award 3 new grants and 3 continuation grants in 2012.

You’re invited to help support the Rally for Research. For details about the Rally for Research, donation opportunities, special events, Quarters for a Cure, and information about ThyCa’s past and future Research Grants, visit the Rally for Research page.

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Every Day

Every day, thousands of people with thyroid cancer, and their families, receive support, education, and hope from ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. Your generous support is what makes it possible to sustain, strengthen, and expand our services and outreach.

It only takes a minute to make a donation online in support of ThyCa’s work (or you are welcome to donate by mail to ThyCa, P.O. Box 964, Chesterfield, MO 63006-0964), so click here to give.

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Copyright (c) 2011 ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Please share ThyCa News Notes with your family and friends. For permission to reprint in another electronic or print publication, please contact us at

The information in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should it be interpreted, as medical advice or directions of any kind. Readers are advised to consult their own medical doctor(s) for all matters involving their health and medical care.

Your suggestions for articles are welcome. The deadline for articles and news items is the first day of each month.

Thank you to our writing, editing, and proofreading team for this issue: Bridget C., Leah Guljord, Pat Paillard, Jana Smith, Barbara Status, Cherry Wunderlich, and Gary Bloom.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is a national non- profit 501(c)(3) organization (tax ID #52-2169434) of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health care professionals. Contact us for free awareness materials and information about our free services and special events. E-mail to, call toll-free at 1-877-588-7904, fax 1-630-604-6078, write PO Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830-1102, or visit our website.

Proposals Due by January 31, 2012
Grant Applications Open to Researchers Worldwide

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association Inc., will expand its research grants program in the program’s tenth year. ThyCa will award three new grants for thyroid cancer research in 2012. Each grant will be for 2 years.

One of the grants will support research on follicular-cell-derived thyroid cancer, including papillary, follicular, anaplastic, and variants. Another grant will support research on medullary thyroid cancer. The third grant is for research on any type of thyroid cancer. It is named The Ric Blake Memorial Thyroid Cancer Research Grant, in memory and honor of ThyCa co-founder Ric Blake.

The grant recipients will be selected by an independent expert panel of the American Thyroid Association (ATA). ATA is the professional association of clinicians and researchers specializing in thyroid diseases. The grant application guidelines will be posted on ATA’s web site. The deadline for submission of a proposal summary to the ATA is January 31, 2012.

The ATA Research Committee will rank proposals according to their scientific merit. The authors selected proposals will be notified by the ATA as early as March and will be invited to submit complete grant applications, from which the grant recipients will be selected.

ThyCa is committed to supporting research with the goal of cures for all thyroid cancer. The ThyCa Grants began in 2003. They are the first grants to be funded entirely by thyroid cancer patients, caregivers and friends. ThyCa has awarded more than $750,000 for thyroid cancer research, to researchers in France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United States.

ThyCa has awarded its grants to researchers at the following institutions;

  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Harvard Medical School), Boston, Massachusetts
  • Cochin Institut, Paris, France
  • Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York
  • Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, and Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
  • Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
  • University of California Los Angeles/Veterans Affairs West Los Angeles Health Care System, Los Angeles, California
  • University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
  • University Hospital Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany
  • University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois
  • University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
  • Washington Hospital Center/Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

To find out more about the ThyCa Research Funds and the annual Rally for Research, please visit our Research Funds page.

Thyca invites everyone to join us in our quest to find a cure for all thyroid cancer.

In This Issue:

ThyCa Online and In-Person Support Groups Expand

More than 90 communities now have Local ThyCa Support Groups, led by volunteer facilitators, and our 12 online support groups have grown to more than 14,000 members. These groups are all free.

Support groups are wonderful places to share experiences, information, understanding, and encouragement.

At local group meetings, you meet and get to know others in person. The local groups serve communities all around the United States and in Canada, Costa Rica, and Philippines.

Find out whether there is a local ThyCa Support Group near you, at this page:

Don’t see a local support group near you? Find out how ThyCa can help you start a new group. Just

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CAPRELSA (vandetanib) Information Added to website

A web site and phone connection for key information about CAPRELSA (vandetanib) are now available in our Links list as well as on the Medullary Thyroid Cancer site, both connected from the left side of our Home Page CAPRELSA was approved in April 2011 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating some patients with metastatic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC). It’s the first drug to receive FDA approval for treating MTC.

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Cabozantinib Clinical Trial

On October 24, 2011, Exelixis reported on the late-stage clinical trial comparing the drug candidate cabozantinib to a placebo as a treatment for advanced medullary thyroid cancer. The company said that patients who received the drug had median survival of 11.2 months before death or disease progression, compared to 4 months for patients who took the placebo. Exelixis said the improvement was greater than it expected.

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ThyCa Executive Director Named to SNM Patient Advocacy Advisory Board

We are pleased to announce that Gary Bloom, ThyCa Executive Director, has been named to the Patient Advocacy Advisory Board (PAAB) of SNM (Society of Nuclear Medicine). SNM is an international professional association focusing on nuclear medicine and consisting of 16,000 physicians, technologists, and scientists. The PAAB provides SNM leaders, staff, and members with the patient perspective regarding molecular imaging and nuclear medicine matters and helps ensure that patients’ concerns, ideas, experiences, and recommendations are reflected in SNM’s endeavors.

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Team Neck and Neck To Take Part in 2012 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend

In January 2012, Team Neck and Neck, organized and led by thyroid cancer survivor and activist, Tina Descovich, will join the 2012 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend to raise awareness of thyroid cancer as well as funds for ThyCa.

Tina has also designed a special new running shirt, the Thyroid Cancer Neck Check Awareness Shirt, for runners to wear as they run for thyroid cancer awareness. ThyCa displayed and sold similarly designed colorful shirts at the Conference in October, and will soon have them available for you to buy through our web site.

“There’s something magical about being in a race, knowing each mile is making a difference for Thyroid Cancer Awareness and Research, Tina writes. “Running in races is an extremely rewarding experience for me. I like setting goals and meeting them. I like to accomplish things.”

To find out more about Tina’s wonderful effort, and how you can support it and ThyCa at the same time, go to

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Annual Conference Sets New Records

The 14th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference was a tremendous success. More than 500 people participated from all around the United States, four provinces of Canada, Mexico, Portugal, and United Kingdom. More than 70 speakers led more than 100 sessions. New at this year’s conference were a series of 3 discussion meetings among ThyCa leaders, members, physicians, and representatives of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding patient release after receiving radioactive iodine, a topic also the subject of a conference session.

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Dinner/Auction Raises $40,000 for Thyroid Cancer Research

The 10th Annual Dinner/Auction Fundraiser was a great success, raising $40,000 for thyroid cancer research. Many thanks to our wonderful supporters for your donations of auction items, your bids on these items, and your help with planning and running this wonderful event.

Special thanks to Steven Sherman, M.D., for your inspiring talk in support of more thyroid cancer research. Thank you also to the anonymous donor who invited attendees to Stand Together To Support Research, donating $10 for each person who stood up (everyone in the room did!), raising nearly $2,000 in just a few moments.

This wonderful support helps ThyCa continue to fund thyroid cancer research—now 9 straight years, 16 different grants (some 1 year, and some 2-year grants), and totaling more than $750,000. ThyCa is pleased to announce that we will award three new research grants in 2012.

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Letter from a Conference Participant:

ThyCa’s Always Here for Us!
By Pat Paillard

ThyCa is always here to give us information and support, and once again I was positively overwhelmed at the Conference.

Another great one! Everyone gets along so well and shares their stories and concerns, making everyone’s journey easier.

I got to know such wonderful fellow survivors, physicians, and caregivers that i realized maybe something good can come from cancer. ThyCa has helped me to deal with my disease and I can better help others deal with theirs. That really makes me feel good.

ThyCa Conferences give all attendees the ability to share their experiences and learn from others who “have been there” and also become sponges and soak up all the newest information about thyroid cancer from the experts who care for people with it every day.

Thank you, ThyCa, for giving us a chance to find the “good” in thyroid cancer.

Hope to see you all next year in Chicago! Don’t miss it!

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Mark Your Calendars for Chicago and the 2012 Conference

We’re pleased to announce that the 15th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference will take place in Chicago, Illinois, on October 19 – 21, 2012.

The conference will take place at the beautiful Eaglewood Resort and Spa in Itasca, Illinois, and again, we’ve arranged a special room rate of $99 for conference attendees.

The 2012 Conference flyer and volunteer opportunity form are at Save the dates, help spread the word, and plan to attend!

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ThyCa Again Accepted into the Combined Federal Campaign
ThyCa’s CFC # is 11675

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivor’s Association has again been accepted into the world’s largest workplace giving campaign.

Federal civilian, postal, and military employees are able to choose ThyCa as a recipient of their workplace donations through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). This federal employees’ charitable giving campaign raises millions of dollars each year for thousands of nonprofits providing health and human services throughout the world.

Donations to ThyCa through CFC will support free education, support, and resources, as well as thyroid cancer research.

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Serving People in 64 Countries

ThyCa’s services and resources are available free of charge to people everywhere. We’re pleased to report that we’re now serving people in 64 countries around the world.

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Physician Speaks at ThyCa Seattle Support Group Meeting

Thank you to Stephen W. Bayles, M.D., FACS, Surgeon, who discussed thyroid surgery and conducted a Q&A session at the meeting of the ThyCa Seattle, Washington, Support Group. Roselle Kovitz and Peter Crane are the group’s volunteer facilitators. The group’s web page is at

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Low-Iodine Recipe of the Month
Contributed by Jackie K. of Virginia

Fall Festive Pork Chops

3 or 4 pork chops (with or without bone). Optional: lightly salted (noniodized salt) and peppered.
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced
2 onions, peeled and sliced
2 apples, peeled and cut into wedges
1 teaspoon black pepper
Pinch of non-iodized salt
3 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place the pork chops in a 3 to 5-quart cook pot that can be placed into the oven. Top with onions, sweet potatoes, and apples. Sprinkle with black pepper, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Cover with lid. Cook in oven for 1 hour. Enjoy!

Editor’s Note: Thank you, Jackie, for contributing your recipe. We will include it in the next edition of ThyCa’s FREE Downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook.

Free and Downloadable

Download the 7th edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook in English for free, with more than 340 favorite recipes from more than 150 generous volunteers.

The Cookbook is also available in:

  • Spanish and
  • French

Please remember, while you’re welcome to download and print the entire free low-iodine cookbook, you can also print just the pages you need.

This free cookbook is a wonderful help when you’re preparing to receive radioactive iodine for treatment or testing. All the recipes are favorites of some of our ThyCa volunteers, who are sharing them with everyone, to make the low-iodine diet easy and tasty. The recipes are also great for family meals and for potlucks, any time.

If you’d like to contribute your favorite recipe or tip, send it to

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What’s New on the Web Site?

  • Videos of Medullary Thyroid Cancer Journey Stories
  • Updates on Caprelsa (vandetanib)
  • Added Rally for Research news
  • More events on our Calendar
  • and more

If you’re new to thyroid cancer, a good place to start reading is the Newly Diagnosed section. Our web site has over 650 pages, with the medical content receiving review and input from more than 50 distinguished physicians and other medical professionals.

We update the web site weekly and often several times a week. Visit it often for the latest updates.

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Follow ThyCa on Facebook and Twitter

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ThyCa’s Free Guestbook

By signing up in ThyCa’s free Guestbook, you’ll receive the latest news about thyroid cancer, new free publications, events, and more.

The standard of care for thyroid cancer has changed dramatically in the past few years. Research continues to make advances.

We want to help you stay connected and informed. Our mission is to be there for every person affected by thyroid cancer.

If you haven’t already signed up, we invite you to sign up today.

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Join Us, Become a Member

Help us sustain, strengthen, and extend our services. We invite you to become a member of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Your membership dues will support ThyCa’s efforts to reach and serve other survivors and their families around the world. Members receive our quarterly Membership Messenger newsletter.

Membership is open to everyone worldwide. You may become a 1-year ThyCa member ($25), 2-year member ($45), or lifetime member ($225).

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Support the Rally for Research

Thanks to generous contributions and special fundraising events, ThyCa has awarded new thyroid cancer research grants every year starting in 2003. These grants support our goal of cures for all thyroid cancer and a future free of thyroid cancer. We have again awarded new research grants in 2011.

You’re invited to help support the Rally for Research. For details about the Rally for Research, donation opportunities, special events, Quarters for a Cure, and information about ThyCa’s past and future Research Grants, visit the Rally for Research Page.

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Volunteer Opportunities

  • Are you a Web 2 user? Get involved on our Web 2 team.
  • Do you have talents in outreach? Help us expand our outreach for early detection, treatment and followup with expert guidelines, and research to cure all thyroid cancer.
  • Are you connected with a business that might be interested in making an in-kind donation to ThyCa? Could be supplies and/or expertise.

To volunteer for any of these activities, e-mail

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Every Day

Every day, thousands of people with thyroid cancer, and their families, receive support, education, and hope from ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. Your generous support is what makes it possible to sustain, strengthen, and expand our services and outreach.

It only takes a minute to make a donation online in support of ThyCa’s work (or you are welcome to donate by mail to ThyCa, P.O. Box 964, Chesterfield, MO 63006-0964), so click here to give.

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Copyright (c) 2011 ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Please share ThyCa News Notes with your family and friends. For permission to reprint in another electronic or print publication, please contact us at

The information in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should it be interpreted, as medical advice or directions of any kind. Readers are advised to consult their own medical doctor(s) for all matters involving their health and medical care.

Your suggestions for articles are welcome. The deadline for articles and news items is the first day of each month.

Thank you to our writing, editing, and proofreading team for this issue: Dana Fusco, Leah Guljord, Pat Paillard, Barbara Status, Cherry Wunderlich, and Gary Bloom.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is a national non- profit 501(c)(3) organization (tax ID #52-2169434) of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health care professionals. Contact us for free awareness materials and information about our free services and special events. E-mail to, call toll-free at 1-877-588-7904, fax 1-630-604-6078, write PO Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830-1102, or visit our website.

The 14th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference was the biggest yet, with more than 500 participants coming from around the United States, 4 Canadian provinces, Mexico, Portugal, and United Kingdom.

Held in Los Angeles, California, in October 2011, the conference was sponsored by the nonprofit ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. (

The 100-plus sessions during the 3-day conference featured more than 60 speakers, including numerous physicians and other medical professionals involved in thyroid cancer care and research, as well as mental health professionals; attorneys focusing on insurance, employment, and other issues; specialists in complementary approaches; and survivors and caregivers affected by each type of thyroid cancer.

During the rest of 2011 and throughout 2012, ThyCa will sponsor numerous events. These include over 90 local support groups with meetings around the United States and in Canada, Costa Rica, and Philippines, plus free webinars, free seminars with physician speakers, free one-day regional workshops, Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month worldwide for September with year-round awareness campaigns, and the 15th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference on October 19-21, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. ( an international nonprofit organization founded in 1995 and advised by thyroid cancer specialists, educates and supports patients and families worldwide through its award-winning web site, free in-person and online support groups for all types of thyroid cancer, one-to-one support, free patients’ booklets and packets, free newsletters, free downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook, webinars, seminars, workshops, and conferences. ThyCa sponsors Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month each September, plus year-round awareness campaigns, as well as thyroid cancer research fundraising and research grants awarded every year starting in 2003. Information and free materials are available by e-mailing, calling 877-588-7904, faxing 630-604-6078, writing to ThyCa, PO Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830, or visiting

Educational Event Feaßåtures 100 Sessions Designed for Those Affected by Thyroid Cancer, the Fastest Increasing Center

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is holding the 14th Annual International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference on October 14-16, 2011, at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel at 5711 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, California.

The annual conference offers a tremendous opportunity to learn from top experts about the latest advances in thyroid cancer care and research and to share experiences with others living with this disease. This important conference is for people with each type of thyroid cancer, and for people at all phases of testing, treatment, and follow-up, as well as for family members and friends.

In 2011, Thyroid cancer is expected to set a new record of 48,020 people newly diagnosed the United States, reports the nonprofit ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association (

This unique educational and supportive event will feature more than 100 informative sessions designed for those whose lives have been touched by thyroid cancer.

  • Advances in thyroid cancer treatment and follow-up
  • Clinical trials of new treatments
  • Research updates
  • Unique Ask-a-Doctor sessions
  • Attorney-led sessions on employment, health insurance, disability, and other legal issues
  • Survivor-caregiver roundtables
  • Coping skills and strategies to improve well-being

The Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference is the key international event focused specifically on support and education for those affected by thyroid cancer,” said Gary Bloom, ThyCa Executive Director, Conference Co-Coordinator, and 15-year survivor of thyroid cancer. “We are honored to bring together such an impressive group of people to share knowledge and experiences, learn from experts, and build camaraderie with those affected by this terrible disease.”

Numerous distinguished institutions around the United States will be represented including The Cleveland Clinic, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Stanford Medical Center, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Yale University School of Medicine, and many more. More than 40 medical professionals have been confirmed.

The meeting also includes resource tables with extensive materials on thyroid cancer and related topics.

Every fall, the Annual Conference is an exceptional opportunity to provide support, education, and communication to people at all stages of testing and treatment for thyroid cancer, as well as their families and caregivers. More than 70 speakers lead the attendees through a 3-day conference presenting more than 100 workshops and sessions.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association urges everyone to learn about thyroid cancer and ask for a neck check at doctor’s appointments. Thyroid cancer affects people in all age groups from children through seniors. It is the fastest increasing cancer in both men and women.

The conference is open to the public, and registration begins at 8 a.m. each day with walk-in attendees welcome to register onsite at the conference. Cost for the conference is $50; family/guests $30. Scholarships are available on request, to cover the registration fee.

Additional information on the conference is available on our website.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is an international, non-profit 501(c)(3) service organization advised by nationally recognized thyroid cancer specialists. ThyCa educates and supports people with thyroid cancer and their families through its award-winning educational Web site, person-to-person support matched by diagnosis, more than 90 local support groups, 12 Internet discussion and support groups, a free online newsletter, numerous other free publications, patient information packets, seminars, workshops, and conferences.

ThyCa also sponsors Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month each September and conducts year-round outreach campaigns to increase public awareness of thyroid cancer and connect survivors and families with our support services. ThyCa sponsors thyroid cancer research fundraising and research grants open to researchers at all institutions worldwide, and has awarded research grants every year since 2003.

For more information, visit our website, call 1-877-588-7904, or e-mail

Follow Thyca on Facebook (THYCA) And Twitter (ThyCaInc).

In This Issue:

ThyCa To Award Three New Thyroid Cancer Research Grants in 2012

We are proud to announce that in 2012, ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. will again award three new thyroid cancer research grants, thanks to the generosity of our contributors and supporters.

One of these new grants is named the Ric Blake Memorial Thyroid Cancer Research Grant, in memory and honor of ThyCa’s Co-Founder and longtime volunteer Ric Blake of Londonderry, New Hampshire.

ThyCa has awarded new research grants every year since 2003. These are the first-ever patient-funded thyroid cancer research grants. Thank you very much to everyone who is supporting our research fundraising and our dream of cures for all thyroid cancer.

For more information about the Rally for Research, and how to support it, visit our Rally for Research page.

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Videos of MTC Journey Stories Added to website

Watch the four new videos on the web site. Hear the stories of people coping with Medullary Thyroid Cancer.

  • Video 1 – Sue’s Story
  • Video 2 – Supporting a Loved One with Advanced MTC
  • Video 3 – Jean’s Story
  • Video 4 – Lucy’s Story

We’re pleased to add these free resources. You’ll find these videos on our MTC videos page.

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More Than 90 ThyCa Local Support Groups Serve Survivors and Caregivers

Come to a Local Support Group Meeting in Your Community

These meetings are wonderful places to meet others in person, and share experiences, understanding, and encouragement.

More than 90 ThyCa groups serve communities across the United States and in Canada, Costa Rica, and Philippines.

Find out whether there is a ThyCa Support Group near you..

Don’t see a support group near you? Find out how you can help start a new group. Just

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Countdown to the Conference

By early October, record numbers of people had advance registered from 31 states, DC, 4 provinces of Canada, and Portugal for the 14th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference in Los Angeles, California, from Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 16, 2011.

The complete schedule of over 100 sessions and over 70 speakers is on the website. You’ll also find biographies of 50 speakers, plus photos of many speakers, on the web site.

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Physician To Speak at ThyCa Seattle Support Group Meeting

On Saturday, November 19, 2011 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Stephen W. Bayles, M.D., FACS, Surgeon, will discuss thyroid surgery and conduct a Q&A session at the meeting of the ThyCa Seattle, Washington, Support Group. Roselle Kovitz and Peter Crane are the group’s volunteer facilitators. Everyone interested in thyroid cancer is welcome. Meeting details are available at

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What’s New on the Web Site?

  • The Free Downloadable Booklet: Thyroid Cancer Basics
  • Video Thyroid Cancer PSA, on the Raise Awareness Page
  • More events on our Calendar
  • and more

If you’re new to thyroid cancer, a good place to start reading is the Newly Diagnosed section. Our web site has over 650 pages, with the medical content receiving review and input from more than 50 distinguished physicians and other medical professionals.

We update the web site weekly and often several times a week. Visit it often for the latest updates.

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Low-Iodine Recipe of the Month
Contributed by Pat G.

Apple Walnut Cake

3 egg whites
2 Cups sugar
1/2 Cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 Cups flour
1 Tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon non-iodized salt
4 Cups diced unpeeled apples
1 Cup coarse chopped walnuts
Powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit

Prepare a 9 x 13 x 2 inch baking dish with a small amount of oil

In mixing bowl, beat the eggs, sugar, oil, and vanilla. Add flour, cinnamon, and salt. Fold in apples and walnuts.

Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Dust lightly with powdered sugar. Cool on wire rack. Cover and refrigerate. Hope you enjoy!

Pat writes, “This cakes tastes good on day one and great on day two. I frozen half of it in small individual portions and used it as coffeecake for breakfast. It isn’t a pretty cake but it tastes wonderful.”

Editor’s Note: Thank you, Pat, for contributing your recipe. We will include it in the next edition of ThyCa’s FREE Downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook.

Free and Downloadable

Download the 7th edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook in English for free, with more than 340 favorite recipes from more than 150 generous volunteers.

The Cookbook is also available in:

  • Spanish and
  • French

Please remember, while you’re welcome to download and print the entire free low-iodine cookbook, you can also print just the pages you need.

This free cookbook is a wonderful help when you’re preparing to receive radioactive iodine for treatment or testing. All the recipes are favorites of some of our ThyCa volunteers, who are sharing them with everyone, to make the low-iodine diet easy and tasty. The recipes are also great for family meals and for potlucks, any time.

If you’d like to contribute your favorite recipe or tip, send it to

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Follow ThyCa on Facebook and Twitter

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Join Us, Become a Member

Help us sustain, strengthen, and extend our services. We invite you to become a member of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Your membership dues will support ThyCa’s efforts to reach and serve other survivors and their families around the world. Members receive our quarterly Membership Messenger newsletter.

Membership is open to everyone worldwide. You may become a 1-year ThyCa member ($25), 2-year member ($45), or lifetime member ($225). For our online Membership Form and our mailed Membership Form, go to our Membership page.

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Support the Rally for Research

Thanks to generous contributions and special fundraising events, ThyCa has awarded new thyroid cancer research grants every year starting in 2003. These grants support our goal of cures for all thyroid cancer and a future free of thyroid cancer. We have again awarded new research grants in 2011.

You’re invited to help support the Rally for Research. For details about the Rally for Research, donation opportunities, special events, Quarters for a Cure, and information about ThyCa’s past and future Research Grants, visit the Rally for Research page.

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Every Day

Every day, thousands of people with thyroid cancer, and their families, receive support, education, and hope from ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. Your generous support is what makes it possible to sustain, strengthen, and expand our services and outreach.

It only takes a minute to make a donation online in support of ThyCa’s work (or you are welcome to donate by mail to ThyCa, P.O. Box 964, Chesterfield, MO 63006-0964), so click here to give.

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Copyright (c) 2011 ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Please share ThyCa News Notes with your family and friends. For permission to reprint in another electronic or print publication, please contact us at

The information in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should it be interpreted, as medical advice or directions of any kind. Readers are advised to consult their own medical doctor(s) for all matters involving their health and medical care.

Your suggestions for articles are welcome. The deadline for articles and news items is the first day of each month.

Thank you to our writing, editing, and proofreading team for this issue: Dana Fusco, Leah Guljord, Pat Paillard, Barbara Status, Cherry Wunderlich, and Gary Bloom.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is a national non- profit 501(c)(3) organization (tax ID #52-2169434) of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health care professionals. Contact us for free awareness materials and information about our free services and special events. E-mail to, call toll-free at 1-877-588-7904, fax 1-630-604-6078, write PO Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830-1102, or visit our website.

In This Issue:

Conference Program on Web Site, Registration Continues, Walk-In Attendees Welcome

Join us in Los Angeles, California on October 14-16, 2011 for a unique weekend of learning from experts and sharing experiences in person with others coping with thyroid cancer.

We’ve confirmed more than 70 speakers for the 14th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference. Speakers include more than 35 medical experts, plus attorneys specializing in employment, health insurance, disability, and other key issues for cancer survivors, and specialists in coping skills and complementary approaches.

Scholarships to cover the registration are available on request. Walk-in attendees are welcome.

The weekend offers more than 100 session choices. In addition to speaker sessions and workshops, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in roundtables for every type (papillary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic, and variants) and situation with thyroid cancer, from newcomers to coping with side effects of new targeted therapies, children and teens care issues, young adults life issues, and adults of all ages including seniors.

Experience the Power of —

  • KNOWLEDGE. Through Educational Sessions led by 37 distinguished medical specialists.
  • SKILLS & DISCOVERY. Through numerous sessions that offer tools and coping strategies to survivors, volunteers, advocates, and family members.
  • • CONNECTION, ENCOURAGEMENT, & INSPIRATION. Through Peer Roundtables where peers share ideas and personal strategies based on their experiences in a variety of coping-focused topics.
  • COMMUNITY. Through a conference weekend where you can connect with old and new friends to network and share stories, wellness tips, and hope.

The Conference offers a unique perspective for individuals living with thyroid cancer, as well as for family members or health care professionals looking for ways to best help their loved-ones and their patients by partnering with them on their thyroid cancer journey.

Go to our website for program details and transportation directions.

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Dinner/Auction Research Fundraiser Features Trips, Handcrafts, Gift Cards, and More

On Saturday, October 15, 2011, you’re invited to join us at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel for a wonderful evening of connections, camaraderie, and fundraising for Thyroid Cancer Research. This annual event was initiated by ThyCa volunteer Joni Eskenazi of Mercer Island, Washington. We all share the dream of research for cures for all thyroid cancer. You may reserve your space at the 10th Annual Dinner/Auction for Thyroid Cancer Research on our Conferences page.

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Roundtable and Dialogue Table Are Conference Features

Discuss Patient Release After RAI

In addition to a Friday morning roundtable discussion on procedures after receiving radioactive iodine, a new feature at this year’s Conference is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dialogue Table. Representatives of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will be available to talk with you, in person and one-to-one, about patient release after receiving radioactive iodine to treat papillary or follicular thyroid cancer.

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What a Fourth-Time Attendee Says About the Conference

You Don’t Want To Miss This!
by Pat Paillard of Pennsylvania

ThyCa’s 14th International Thyroid Cancer Survivor’s Conference will be in Los Angeles, California this year from Friday, October 14th through to Sunday, October 16th.

If your life has been touched by thyroid cancer in any way, you will benefit by attending. Not only will you get the information you need, but you will also get the support you need from the very caring and knowledgeable physicians and survivors alike.

Everyone who attends will become an informed patient/caregiver and will get a chance to meet new friends who have “been through it” and will help your journey with thyroid cancer become easier for you to handle.

Come and have a good time with fellow survivors. Don’t miss it! Hope to see you there!

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Tell Your Friends—Help Them Help Newcomers Find the Conference

Three important ways you can help:

  1. Post a link to our website on your Facebook page, and tell people about the Conference
  2. E-mail your friends with a link to and the conference\\
  3. Forward this e-mail newsletter to your friends, and tell them that our website has the past newsletters plus 650 pages of information

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New Neck Check Video PSA Raises Awareness for Early Detection

The Neck Check Video PSA, the Thyroid Cancer Audio PSA, and the free Neck Check cards from ThyCa are great ways to raise awareness during Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, and anytime!

If you’d like us to mail free outreach materials to you, to give to your friends and relatives, e-mail to . Thank you for raising awareness!

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Age. It’s Just a Number, Right?
By Bridget Corcoran of Illinois

Age. It’s just a number, right? Most people think this and that your true age is depicted in how you act and feel. We’ve all heard the cliché time and again, “We get wiser with age.” Though, I often wonder if there is any truth to those words.

Considering my life journey thus far, I don’t consider that statement to be entirely accurate. I believe it should read, “We get wiser with more experience.” At 24, I consider myself young. However, when I gauge my age from an emotional maturity perspective, I am somewhat “old.” Dealing with thyroid cancer for the past 3 years has propelled my growth as a wise, mature 24-year-old.

Cancer has injected me with a constant thirst for knowledge. People often ask me how I became a living WebMD when it comes to the area of thyroid cancer. I respond that cancer forced me to take control of my life. Taking control meant spending countless hours straining my eyes on computer web pages reading medical information and participating on ThyCa’s message board. Also, building safe and trusting relationships with my doctors allowed me to open up and discuss various questions related to thyroid cancer. (I also learned that bringing them delicious baked goods on a constant basis earned me extra valuable minutes with them!)

Acceptance of cancer is truly a difficult process that is unique for every person. Part of my healing process came from learning as much as I could about my disease so I could comprehend what my body was battling. Some people may find this statement odd because they’d rather get healthy and forget that cancer was ever in their life. My wise 24-year-old-self can honestly say that I love thyroid cancer. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t love having it, but living with thyroid cancer has made me appreciate how strong my body can be when I’m in control of it with a positive and educated outlook.

My enthusiasm for thyroid cancer may be unusual, but it has allowed me to realize that I am passionate about educating others about the disease. Getting thyroid cancer has made me a stronger, more confident person! I want to be someone’s light during their period of darkness.

John Finley voiced his thoughts on age and maturity, “Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty.” This quote is extremely pertinent to my life as my world was turned upside down the day my doctor told me I had thyroid cancer.

My challenge to you is to never discount a young person because of his or her age. Appearances can be very deceiving, and who knows, you may end up with a fresh perspective that jumpstarts your new life.

Remember that there’s always a need for everyone’s efforts and talents. I am honored to give mine to ThyCa and the ThyCa Chicago Thyroid Cancer Support Group.

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Become an Honor Roll Partner in Raising Awareness

As the sponsor of Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, ThyCa invites you to partner in our worldwide efforts. Help promote early detection, treatment and follow-up in accordance with expert guidelines, thyroid cancer research funding, and connections with ThyCa’s free services, publications, and the Annual International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference, all via Tell us about your efforts, and share your story, by e-mailing to Thank you for your help!

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Thyrogen Supply Update Announced

Genzyme reports that intermittent shipments of Thyrogen have resumed globally. Genzyme projects that supplies for the rest of 2011 will meet about 40 to 60 percent of global demand for Thyrogen. ThyCa’s web site has the complete announcement.

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ThyCa Announces Yearly Research Grant To Be Named The Ric Blake Memorial Thyroid Cancer Research Grant

In loving memory of ThyCa Co-Founder Ric Blake, who passed away in August 2011 after a 16-year battle with follicular thyroid cancer, ThyCa is naming one of its research grants The Ric Blake Memorial Thyroid Cancer Research Grant. Ric was a wonderful friend and dedicated volunteer who made numerous lasting contributions to ThyCa.

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Free Cancer Legal Rights Conference in Michigan

On Friday, October 21, 2011, you’re invited to Ann Arbor, Michigan, for a free Cancer Legal Rights Conference, with information about the most common cancer-related legal issues. The conference is being held at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center and is sponsored by the Cancer Legal Resource Center. ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association is partnering in supporting this conference. For information and registration, visit

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Low-Iodine Recipe Tips of the Month
Contributed by Amanda of North Carolina

Angel Food Cake

  • Any angel food cake recipe should work if you do not use iodized salt.
  • • A chocolate version with cocoa is also allowed.
  • • I bake one of each, cut them into pieces, and freeze the week before beginning the diet.
  • • Then I thaw a piece and eat it with fresh peaches or berries for dessert or a late night snack…..delicious.
  • • Thanks for all the great ideas and recipes.

Editor’s Note: Thank you, Amanda, for contributing your great recipe tips for Angel Food Cake. We will include your tips in the next edition of ThyCa’s FREE Downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook.

Free and Downloadable

Download the 7th edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook in English for free, with more than 340 favorite recipes from more than 150 generous volunteers.

The Cookbook is also available in:

  • Spanish and
  • French

Please remember, while you’re welcome to download and print the entire free low-iodine cookbook, you can also print just the pages you need.

This free cookbook is a wonderful help when you’re preparing to receive radioactive iodine for treatment or testing. All the recipes are favorites of some of our ThyCa volunteers, who are sharing them with everyone, to make the low-iodine diet easy and tasty. The recipes are also great for family meals and for potlucks, any time.

If you’d like to contribute your favorite recipe or tip, send it to

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Join Us, Become a Member

Help us sustain, strengthen, and extend our services. We invite you to become a member of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Your membership dues will support ThyCa’s efforts to reach and serve other survivors and their families around the world. Members receive our quarterly Membership Messenger newsletter.

Membership is open to everyone worldwide. You may become a 1-year ThyCa member ($25), 2-year member ($45), or lifetime member ($225). For our online Membership Form and our mailed Membership Form, go to our Membership page.

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Support the Rally for Research

Thanks to generous contributions and special fundraising events, ThyCa has awarded new thyroid cancer research grants every year starting in 2003. These grants support our goal of cures for all thyroid cancer and a future free of thyroid cancer. We have again awarded new research grants in 2011.

You’re invited to help support the Rally for Research. For details about the Rally for Research, donation opportunities, special events, Quarters for a Cure, and information about ThyCa’s past and future Research Grants, visit the Rally for Research page.

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Every Day

Every day, thousands of people with thyroid cancer, and their families, receive support, education, and hope from ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. Your generous support is what makes it possible to sustain, strengthen, and expand our services and outreach.

It only takes a minute to make a donation online in support of ThyCa’s work (or you are welcome to donate by mail to ThyCa, P.O. Box 964, Chesterfield, MO 63006-0964), so click here to give.

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Copyright (c) 2011 ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.

Please share ThyCa News Notes with your family and friends. For permission to reprint in another electronic or print publication, please contact us at

The information in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should it be interpreted, as medical advice or directions of any kind. Readers are advised to consult their own medical doctor(s) for all matters involving their health and medical care.

Your suggestions for articles are welcome. The deadline for articles and news items is the first day of each month.

Thank you to our writing, editing, and proofreading team for this issue: Dana Fusco, Leah Guljord, Pat Paillard, Barbara Status, Cherry Wunderlich, and Gary Bloom.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is a national non- profit 501(c)(3) organization (tax ID #52-2169434) of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health care professionals. Contact us for free awareness materials and information about our free services and special events. E-mail to, call toll-free at 1-877-588-7904, fax 1-630-604-6078, write PO Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830-1102, or visit our webiste

February 12, 1945 – August 15, 2011

ThyCa Co-Founder, Volunteer for Over 15 Years, Board Member Emeritus,
Founder and Co-Facilitator of ThyCa Boston, Massachusetts, Support Group

ThyCa Announces Yearly Research Grant To Be Named
The Ric Blake Memorial Thyroid Cancer Research Grant

It is with heavy hearts that we share the sad news that our friend Ric Blake of Londonderry, New Hampshire,

Ric & Diane Blake
Ric and Diane Blake

has passed away after a 16-year battle with follicular thyroid cancer. Ric was diagnosed with poorly differentiated follicular carcinoma (Hurthle cell) in October 1995.

Ric was a good, caring, kind, and wise man. Soon after being diagnosed, he began helping others who were coping with thyroid cancer. He became an active participant in the online thyroid cancer mutual support group started by Karen Ferguson, and became good friends with other thyroid cancer survivors near and far.

Ric was instrumental in the team of volunteers who created ThyCa, and in strengthening and extending its services. He inspired numerous people to volunteer for ThyCa. He encouraged and supported many new volunteers.

Among Ric’s many accomplishments:

  • He started the world’s first face-to-face thyroid cancer support group, in Massachusetts in 1996, and served as ThyCa’s first Local Support Groups Coordinator.
  • In 1997, he worked with Arturo Rolla, M.D., ThyCa Medical Advisor, and Karen Ferguson, ThyCa Volunteer, to develop the world’s first e-mail listserv support group dedicated to thyroid cancer survivors.
  • He initiated and coordinated the world’s first and second Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conferences, in 1998 and 1999, in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • He served as Secretary of the Steering Committee that founded the nonprofit ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., and became one of ThyCa’s 17 Co-Founders.
  • He served on ThyCa’s Founding Board as its Corresponding Secretary and Director of Outreach
  • He served on the ThyCa Board when it established Thyroid Cancer Awareness Week in 2000 with its first observance 2001, and supported the expansion of this worldwide observance to Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month in September 2004.
  • He initiated and coordinated the first thyroid cancer survivors’ regional workshop in Boston, Massachusetts, in 2001.
  • He and his wife Diane devoted many years as advocates for improved palliative care, and in 2002 they were recognized for outstanding leadership and service by the New Hampshire Partnership for End of Life Care.
  • Ric was honored by being named ThyCa Board Member Emeritus in recognition of his tremendous commitment and service.
  • His years living with thyroid cancer were featured in a series of articles in the Eagle-Tribune, titled “Living Well Until the End.” The newspaper published an obituary on August 16, 2011.

Ric graciously acknowledged the efforts of everyone on the teams in which he was involved. In his opening remarks at the first ThyCa conference, he said, “On behalf of all of us here and of those who are here in spirit, I offer my sincere thanks to those volunteers who have worked for 18 months to create ThyCa `98. We would not be here today without your gifts of time, talent and financial assistance. And most importantly, your warm and caring hearts.”

At that same conference, he also said, “Before anything else, let’s keep in mind that our goal is to enjoy ourselves, share our experiences, support each other and celebrate our lives.”

People around the world will continue to benefit from Ric’s efforts and vision. Our lives have been enriched by his contributions.

Ric Blake made a difference to countless people with thyroid cancer, and their families. He will be remembered and greatly missed.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is pleased to announce that Julie Ann Sosa, M.D., M.A., of Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, has been named to its Medical Advisory Council, which now has 34 members.

Dr. Sosa is an Endocrine and Oncologic Surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgery (Oncology) and of Medicine (Medical Oncology), as well as Director of the Yale Endocrine Surgery Clinical and Health Services Research Group.

She is involved in clinical trials of new drug treatments for all the major types of thyroid cancer. She is principal investigator or co-principal investigator of studies of new drug treatments for differentiated thyroid cancer (papillary/follicular), medullary thyroid cancer, and anaplastic thyroid cancer.

Dr. Sosa is a speaker in ThyCa’s Free Webinar on Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer on Friday, July 29, 2011. She will also be a speaker at the 14th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference in Los Angeles, California, on October 14 –16, 2011.

Following undergraduate education at Princeton University, she received a master’s degree in Human Sciences at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. She received postgraduate training at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, as well as John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals, Oxford, England. She is a frequent invited lecturer and course leader/instructor for professional audiences and has also spoken at three recent ThyCa conferences.

The 34 members of ThyCa’s Medical Advisory Council are world-recognized experts in the field of thyroid cancer. The advisors provide valuable counsel and support ThyCa’s goals in education, treatment, and research.

The Medical Advisors page (linked from ThyCa’s web site Home Page) gives the names, specialties, and affiliations of all the Medical Advisory Council members and soon will add Dr. Sosa.

More than 50 distinguished specialists provide ongoing review and input for ThyCa’s web site and materials. The web site ( has more than 650 pages of thyroid cancer information, numerous free downloadable publications, connections with support services and support group meetings, workshop and conference announcements, and other resources.

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization of thyroid cancer survivors, families, and health care professionals, advised by internationally recognized thyroid cancer specialists. The organization is dedicated to support, education, and communication for thyroid cancer survivors, their families and friends.

ThyCa also sponsors Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, year-round awareness activities, and thyroid cancer research fundraising and research grants.

The 14th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference will take place in Los Angeles, California, on October 14-16, 2011.

For more information about ThyCa’s free support services, education, publications, spring workshops, and annual international conference, e-mail to, call toll-free 1-877-588-7904, write to PO Box 1545, New York, NY 10159-1545, or visit the ThyCa web site.