Myths and Truths Campaign: Do You Wish People Knew the Truth About Thyroid Cancer?

Update November 2015:  Thank you!

With your help, we reached our goal for the #TruthAbout challenge!

This video features many people who have shared their personal #TruthAboutTC.


Now you can tell people your truth about thyroid cancer and help dispel the myth that it is a “good cancer.” Join in the new “Myths and Truths About Thyroid Cancer” awareness and education initiative, a collaboration of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, the Light of Life Foundation (LoL), and Eisai Inc., designed to explain our journeys, put faces on thyroid cancer, dispel myths, and raise awareness. 

In honor of Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month and the tens of thousands who receive a thyroid cancer diagnosis each year, “Myths and Truths About Thyroid Cancer” illustrates the life-changing realities of this disease. 

A charity challenge: Upload a picture of yourself holding a sign that states #TruthAboutTC (or just a sign with #TruthABoutTC), on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or like or share content related to the campaign and Eisai will donate $1 to ThyCa and LoL up to $50,000!! 

Join this campaign effort. Together all of us can create greater awareness about thyroid cancer and ThyCa, and have fun doing it. Encourage everyone you know to share their truths, as well as to like and share. The more likes and shares the greater the awareness, and the larger Eisai’s donation. 

Share your picture today, and tag two friends to help spread the word. Find out more on our Facebook page.

Click here for more information and video. 

 Bridget Corcoran, ThyCa Volunteer and Board Member, with her #TruthAboutTC sign

Media Interview for the #TruthAboutTC Campaign: Marcia Brose, M.D., Oncologist at the University of Pennsylvania, and Victoria Ballesteros, Thyroid Cancer Survivor and ThyCa Board Member