New! ThyCa Publishes Thyroid Nodules Handbook
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., is pleased to introduce our newest, free handbook.
This handbook is titled Thyroid Nodules: Testing and Follow-Up. It’s 36 pages and has been written and edited by physicians, patients, and caregivers to inform and help patients and caregivers.
Its 19 sections explain the following topics: Basic Facts, If You Have a Nodule, Types of Thyroid Nodules,Outcomes After Finding a Thyroid Nodule, Thyroid Nodule Evaluation and Possible Results, Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA): What to Expect, Molecular Testing for Thyroid Cancer, and more topics.
The handbook is now available on ThyCa’s website as a downloadable.
The print edition will be available soon. Watch for an announcement. It will be available in single copies, as well as in bulk to health care professionals to give to their patients.
ThyCa will also will post this handbook as an ePub, available on iTunes and GooglePlay.
Also, here is a flyer to download and share, to help spread the word about this important new resource.