New Thyroid Cancer Awareness Wristbands Available through ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association

Goal is to Raise Awareness of One of the Few Cancers to Increase in Annual Overall Incidence in the Past Several Years

Thyroid cancer, a cancer that affects people of all ages from very young children through seniors, is on the rise. ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association <>, an all-volunteer nonprofit patient support and education organization, offering a wide array of free services and resources to thyroid cancer patients and their families, is making available a teal wristband to increase awareness of thyroid cancer.

The wristbands are available from ThyCa in packages of three for $5, and the proceeds benefit ThyCa’s outreach, support services, and thyroid cancer research grants. With each order ThyCa will also include free thyroid cancer awareness brochures and wallet cards listing ThyCa’s services and contact information.

“ThyCa intends this awareness campaign to heighten the importance of early detection, and to encourage people to ask their doctor for a neck check,” said Gary Bloom, ThyCa Board Chair and thyroid cancer survivor of Olney, Maryland.

“Teal is a healing color and chosen more than six years ago by thyroid cancer survivor and ThyCa volunteer Cherie L,” said Leah Guljord, ThyCa Assistant Chair and thyroid cancer survivor of West Melbourne, Florida.

ThyCa offers free support services to cancer patients, their families, friends, and caregivers, including a network of more than 60 support groups in 35 states, an award-winning Web site ( providing extensive information about thyroid cancer, free educational materials, a free downloadable low-iodine cookbook, Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month in September, and the only annual conference on thyroid cancer—to be held October 21-23, 2005 in Denver, Colorado—featuring top physicians in the field.

For more information visit the web site, call toll-free 877-588-7904, or e-mail