Patient Access Network Foundation and ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association Announce New Alliance to Provide Support for People Living With Thyroid Cancer
Washington, DC, (January 26, 2017) – The Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation and ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. (ThyCa) today announced they are launching a new alliance to offer a broad range of support for people living with thyroid cancer. Working together, the PAN Foundation and ThyCa will ensure that people living with thyroid cancer have access to both financial and patient support services, providing them with the holistic support needed to best manage their disease.
“Here at PAN, our goal is to help ease some of the financial stress for patients and families facing diseases like thyroid cancer,” said PAN President and CEO Dan Klein. “But we know that financial concerns are just one part of the challenge. In partnering with ThyCa, we can connect patients to additional services and resources, including handbooks and publications, support groups, clinical trial information, and more.”
Thyroid cancer, a cancerous tumor or growth located within the thyroid gland, is the most common endocrine cancer, according to ThyCa. Thyroid cancer is one of the few cancers that has increased in incidence rates over recent years. It occurs in all age groups from children through seniors
“We are thrilled to work with PAN, and to provide extended support to our patients and families,” said ThyCa Executive Director Gary Bloom. “This alliance will connect us to even more patients in need, expanding the number we are able to help, and hopefully alleviating some of the financial pressures that come with the diagnosis, treatment and management of thyroid cancer.”
Patients who qualify for the PAN Foundation’s thyroid cancer program are eligible to receive up to $12,000 per year in financial assistance. Eligible patients must be getting treatment for thyroid cancer; must reside and receive treatment in the United States; must have Medicare health insurance; and the medication for which they seek assistance must be covered by Medicare and must treat the disease directly. In addition, patients must fall at or below 500 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.
Patients, or advocates and caregivers applying on their behalf, can apply for assistance using the PAN Foundation’s online patient portal (, or by calling 1-866-316-7263, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. To learn more about PAN’s more than 50 disease-specific programs, visit
For ThyCa’s free support groups, materials, events, Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month and year-round awareness campaigns, and thyroid cancer research funds and research grants, visit our website.