Questionnaire Study on Medullary Thyroid Cancer Open to MTC Survivors
You are invited to participate in a research study investigating possible causes for Medullary Thyroid Cancer.
As you know, Medullary Thyroid Cancer (MTC), is a relatively rare type of Thyroid Cancer.
Researchers at Yale University School of Medicine and Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Connecticut are investigating some factors which may be involved in causing Medullary Thyroid Cancer, and are enrolling subjects in a study currently underway, the Thyroid Health Study.
Because of the relative rarity of MTC, the researchers are particularly interested in including as many individuals as possible who have been diagnosed with Medullary Thyroid Cancer.
Study participation would involve filling out a questionnaire about some aspects of your environmental, occupational, dietary and medical history, and filling out a booklet asking questions about your usual diet. You will also be asked to return a saliva specimen to be used for DNA analysis, using a container that will be mailed to you along with the other study materials.
There is no cost associated with participation, and you will not receive any compensation.
Your participation is important in the continuing effort to find out how to prevent or reduce the occurrence of Medulllary Thyroid Cancer.
If you are interested in study participation, please e-mail your reply to the study coordinator, Helen Sayward at If you have any questions about the study, call (203) 764-9079, or toll-free at (866) 598-2775. If you express interest in participating, a consent form for you to sign and return as well as other study materials will be sent to you.