In the United States, the Radiation Exposure Compensation Program grants monetary compensation to people diagnosed with thyroid cancer after
living in certain specified parts of Utah, Arizona and Nevada during 1951-1958 OR during July of 1962.

There are strict rules about the time frame, residency, etc. and proof thereof. If all requirements are met, a person may be entitled to $50,000 in
federal compensation.

In addition to thyca, leukemia and many other types of cancer qualify (with differing rules and compensation amounts). In addition to this coverage
for downwinders, the law also compensates (with differing rules and compensation amounts) those who were onsite participants and uranium

Anyone who may qualify should go to the Justice Department’s website for claims information.
http://www.usdoj.gov/civil/torts/const/reca/index.htm . Or, call 1-800-729-RECP to request a claims packet. The mailing address is U.S.
Department of Justice, Radiation Exposure Compensation Program, P.O. Box 146, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044-0146.

Since this is a federal program, it is subject to amendment by Congress. Additional information should be available through your Congressional

(ThyCa presents this information as a service to thyroid cancer patients. ThyCa makes no representations as to the program’s specific terms or
any individual’s qualification for compensation from this program. ThyCa has no
connection with the Justice Department or with this federal program. ThyCa has no information other than that which appears above, so all
inquiries should be directed to the Justice Department or your Congressperson.)