Raise Awareness with Scarfies for Thyca
(Selfie + Scarf = Scarfie)
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., is pleased to collaborate with Scarfies for Thyca in this social media campaign for Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month.
We invite you to take part if you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or both, and to send us your photos with your permission to share them.
Wear a scarf and take a selfie to make a “scarfie.” Post the photo during September, Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, and tag #scarfies4thyca.
September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. You can help raise awareness by taking a selfie wearing a scarf and posting the photo to your Facebook wall, drawing attention to the need for regular neck checks to detect thyroid cancer early.
Add the paragraph above when you post your photo, to highlight the importance of neck checks for early detection.
Do more by posting your “scarfie” as your profile photo for at least one day, tagging friends to participate, and making a donation. Get more information and share your photo on the Scarfies Facebook page.
Who and why?
Thyroid cancer survivors started the Scarfies campaign to encourage others to get their necks checked for this disease.
A scarf around the neck draws attention to where the thyroid is located. Many thyroid cancer survivors wear scarves to protect their new incisions from the sun.
Your Photos
We invite you to share your photo with us.
- E-mail a jpeg image to publications@thyca.org . We plan to add photos to this web page.
- Post your photo on your own Facebook page, and with Scarfies for Thyca.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing your scarfies!