ThyCa Adds New E-Mail Support Group for Caregivers

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., is pleased to announce the formation of its sixth e-mail support group to meet specific needs of people whose lives have been touched by thyroid cancer.

The Caregivers Support Group brings together anyone involved in caregiving for a person with thyroid cancer. Spouses, parents, siblings, adult children, friends, and anyone else involved in caregiving are welcome to join. In this group they share experiences, give encouragement, and offer suggestions for coping positively with the impacts of thyroid cancer in a family member or friend.

This free support group is available 24 hours a day to people worldwide. Instructions for joining the group are on the ThyCa web site
in the Support Section.

ThyCa’s five other support groups include the general Thyroid Cancer Support Group, Advanced Thyroid Cancer Support Group, Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Support Group, Medullary Thyroid Cancer Support Group, and Pediatric Thyroid Cancer Support Group. ThyCa volunteers also facilitate two live online thyroid cancer mutual support groups on America Online on Monday and Tuesday evenings.

For information about thyroid cancer and the other free services and resources of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., a nonprofit, voluntary organization, call toll-free 1-877-588-7904, e-mail to, or visit the web site at