ThyCa NEWS NOTES – September 2010
- September Is Worldwide Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month
- Thyroid Cancer Survivors Urge Neck Checks for Early Detection
- Public Service Announcements Promote Awareness
- Something Is Coming That You Really Don’t Want To Miss!
- More than 60 Speakers Confirmed
- Come to the 2010 Dinner/Auction Research Fundraiser
- Dr. Karl To Speak on September 11, 2010, in Florida
- Dr. Jaume To Participate on September 11, 2010, in Wisconsin
- Dr. Agersborg To Speak on September 25, 2010, in Pennsylvania
- You’re Invited: Survey on Thyroid Cancer Surgery and the Voice
- Backpacks Donated To ThyCa for Pediatric Thyroid Cancer Support Project
- Study Focuses on Post-Surgical Hypoparathyroidism
- Sherryl Pascal, Ms. East Coast Globe 2011, Raises Awareness
- More Events Support the 2010 Rally for Research
- The Story of the Thyroid Cancer Colors
- Thank You to Organizations Supporting Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month
- Second Edition Book Presents Expertise of 27 Physicians
- Early-Bird Conference Registrations Come from 34 States, Canada, United Kingdom
- The 15th Anniversary Collection Grows
- Our Free Guestbook
- Have You Visited Our Website Lately?
- Low-Iodine Recipe of the Month
- Serving People in 55 Countries
- Follow ThyCa on Facebook
- Help Support the 2010 Rally for Research
- You’re Invited To Become a Member
- Events Preview
- Every Day
- About ThyCa News Notes
September Is Worldwide Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month
This yearly event is sponsored by ThyCa. Check out the web site for brochures, posters, fliers, etc., to help you “spread the word” about thyroid cancer. Remember, every person we meet is another person we can help!
Each person can truly make a difference — that person is YOU! Make a difference!
Thyroid Cancer Survivors Urge Neck Checks for Early Detection
Free Tools and Tips Available at, Awareness Month Sponsor
Thyroid cancer is one of the few cancers continuing to increase in incidence, with an anticipated record of about 44,670 people newly diagnosed in the United States this year and more than 200,000 people expected to be newly diagnosed worldwide. Thyroid cancer affects people of all ages, from young children to seniors.
When detected early, most thyroid cancers are treatable. However, some thyroid cancers are aggressive and difficult to treat. ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. sponsors Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month each September to spread the messages of early detection of thyroid cancer as well as lifetime monitoring.
This month highlights the year-round activities of ThyCa participants in 55 countries to:
- Increase thyroid cancer education
- Raise awareness of the importance of early detection, treatment in accordance with guidelines developed by thyroid cancer specialists, and lifelong monitoring
- Inform the public about ThyCa’s free information, support services, and publications
- Increase awareness of the need for more thyroid cancer research
A key message for Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month is “Find It Early.” Early detection is a key to improving outcomes. Patient and caregiver education is also important, because thyroid cancer requires lifelong monitoring as recurrences can occur even decades after the diagnosis and initial treatment.
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. ( encourages people to ask for a neck check each time they visit their doctor. Signs to discuss with the physician include a lump or fullness in the neck, lymph node swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing, or voice changes.
“Health care professionals are essential to the detection of thyroid cancer,” says ThyCa Executive Director Gary Bloom, himself a thyroid cancer survivor. “Done properly, a neck check can be as simple as touching the neck and watching the patient swallow. This can be done very quickly and won’t cause any delays for the medical office, but that 30 seconds could make all the difference in the world.”
ThyCa invites everyone interested to help with thyroid cancer awareness efforts in their communities. Examples of some of the activities that volunteers have organized:
- In North Carolina, a 17 year-old who is a 3-year thyroid cancer survivor is distributing Neck Check cards in her faith community, school, doctors’ offices, and other local organizations.
- In New Jersey, a 13 year-old girl is developing an awareness and fundraising campaign to honor her father, a thyroid cancer survivor.
- In New Zealand, which has a cancer awareness day on August 27, a thyroid cancer survivor is distributing the Thyroid Cancer Awareness Brochures with Catherine Bell on the cover and the AACE Neck Check cards, both available free from ThyCa.
- In Pennsylvania, a hospital-based Endocrine Department is providing awareness materials from ThyCa at a health fair.
- In California, volunteers from the ThyCa Los Angeles Support Group are attending the Stand Up To Cancer Television Broadcast on September 10th.
- In New Jersey, Sherryl Pascal, Ms. East Coast Globe 2011, thyroid cancer survivor, will have a booth at a large community event.
- In Indiana, a bank employee plans to distribute awareness materials to all employees.
- In Georgia, a physicians’ group will host a free thyroid cancer screening day in their outpatient offices.
- In Pennsylvania, a young woman getting married in September is honoring her mother, a thyroid cancer survivor, by giving out awareness materials at her wedding reception and donating to ThyCa for thyroid cancer research as her wedding favor.
- In California, the City Council of Fresno issued a proclamation for Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, and Anjali Davis, ThyCa Fresno Support Group Facilitator, spoke at a city council meeting.
- nd Neck Check cards to members of her gastric bypass support group.
- In Florida, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, physicians will participate at local support group meetings.
- In California, Florida, Washington, and Wisconsin, new local support groups are beginning; 70 local ThyCa support groups will hold meetings throughout the United States and in Canada, Costa Rica, and Philippines; and more than 20 additional local support group networks will provide telephone and e-mail support to patients and caregivers.
- Around the world, survivors and caregivers are wearing and giving awareness wristbands and pins and giving awareness brochures and flyers to their friends and relatives.
Public Service Announcements Promote Awareness
Three new video Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are now in their final production stages, ready to raise awareness via television and the Internet during Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month as well as year-round. Our special thank you to Nick Isenberg, film producer, for his outstanding contributions in developing these important PSAs.
In addition, a year-round radio PSA is available on ThyCa’s web site, courtesy of ThyCa Volunteer John Breen of WDTV News Channel 5 in Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Thank you Nick and John for your tremendous service to people everywhere dealing with a thyroid cancer diagnosis! We’re excited about these wonderful resources and eager to share them.
Something Is Coming That You Really Don’t Want To Miss!By Pat Paillard
What is it? The 13th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference on October 15-17, 2010, in Dallas, Texas.
If you’ve never attended a conference, you really should; you don’t know what you’re missing. I had never even heard of thyroid cancer. After my diagnosis and subsequent treatment, I attended a conference and was amazed at all the information I received and how friendly and supportive everyone was. I got so much from my first conference that attending has become a yearly ritual for me.
Whether you are a “newbie,” a short-term survivor, a long-term survivor, or a caregiver, you will benefit so much from attending. The speakers are all great, the participants have a lot of information and experiences to share with each other, the hotels are always very accommodating, and there is so much information to take home and share with others who can’t make the trip.
I hope to see you there.
More than 60 Speakers Confirmed
We’re excited to announce that more than 60 speakers are confirmed for the 13th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference, October 15-17, 2010 in Dallas, Texas.
The 35 distinguished medical professionals are coming from these 17 centers:
Boston University School of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic, National Cancer Institute, New Mexico State University, New York University Clinical Cancer Center, Ohio State University, University of Chicago Medical Center, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, University of Connecticut Health Center, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and Yale University School of Medicine.
Other specialists will lead sessions on coping skills and complementary approaches to well-being. Survivors and caregivers coping with every type of thyroid cancer will lead roundtables and discussions. In all, the conference will offer more than 100 session choices.
We invite you to join us for this unique weekend of learning from experts and sharing experiences and support with others who understand what you’re going through. Our hotel has a special $99 room rate for advance reservations. Click here to book your hotel room. You will need to enter “ThyCa” to get the arranged for discount rate. This rate is available under October 1st at 5:00 p.m. CDT.
Early-bird conference registration is open online and by mail at through September 15th. Advance registration continues until October 9th. We also welcome walk-in attendees. Scholarships to cover the registration fee are available on request.
Visit often for conference updates. Feel free to download and share the flyer. Help others find out about this tremendous opportunity for learning and support.
Come to the 2010 Dinner/Auction Research Fundraiser
A wonderful evening of camaraderie, inspiration, and hope.
Saturday Evening, October 16, 2010, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. At the Sheraton Grand Hotel DFW Airport (The Conference hotel)
To reserve your seat at the dinner, use the Dinner/Auction line on the registration form. The web site will also add a Dinner/Auction form.
Dr. Karl To Speak on September 11, 2010, in Florida
We are pleased to announce that Michael Karl, M.D. will speak at the Saturday, September 11th, meeting of ThyCa North Miami Dade, Florida, Support Group, on THE ABC’s of THYROID CANCER. Learn about radioactive iodine treatment, new treatment guidelines, what your TSH is telling you, and much more. Michael Karl, M.D. is Chief of Endocrinology at Jackson North Medical Center. He is also Professor of Medicine at Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. Linda Chaplin and Fran Goodstat are the volunteer facilitators of ThyCa North Miami Dade. For details, visit
Dr. Jaume To Participate on September 11, 2010, in Wisconsin
Juan C. Jaume, M.D., Endocrinologist, will be a guest at the Saturday, September 11th meeting of the ThyCa Madison, Wisconsin, Support Group. Dr. Jaume is an Endocrinologist at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, and a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Tim Lau is the Madison support group’s volunteer facilitator. For details, visit
Dr. Agersborg To Speak on September 25, 2010, in Pennsylvania
At the Saturday, September 25th meeting of ThyCa Northwest Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Karen E. Agersborg, D.O., Endocrinologist and Chief of Endocrinology at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia, will speak and answer questions about well-differentiated thyroid cancer. The group meets from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Cathedral Village, Classroom #1, at 600 East Cathedral Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pat Paillard is the volunteer facilitator. For more information, visit
You’re Invited: Survey on Thyroid Cancer Surgery and the Voice
If you have had thyroid cancer surgery, you’re invited to take part in this online survey about Thyroid Cancer Surgery and the Voice.
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is helping ThyCa Medical Advisor David Myssiorek, M.D., study research team leader. This is not a new survey. We’ve reopened this survey from earlier in the year to invite additional participation beyond the more than 4,200 people who have already responded.
Please complete this online survey form. It takes just a few minutes. Your information will remain confidential. By participating in surveys, we can help impact our future care.
Click here to take part.
If you have already completed the survey, you will receive a thank you message rather than opening the first page of the survey. So, please click on the link, and take part if you haven’t already.
For more about the survey, click here. If you have questions, please e-mail
Backpacks Donated To ThyCa for Pediatric Thyroid Cancer Support Project
Thank you to JanSport for a wonderful donation of backpacks for the Pediatric Backpack Project. Backpacks go to families with a child or teen with thyroid cancer. The free backpacks are filled with helpful thyroid cancer information, treatment guidelines, ThyCa’s Low-Iodine Cookbook, and the booklet Tim’s Tips for Children and Teens with Thyroid cancer, plus Spirit items, During the last 3 years, ThyCa has sent free backpacks to families all around the United States, as well as Canada, Philippines, and United Kingdom. Thank you very much, JanSport! Thank you also to Margaret-Mary White for her help in making this donation happen.
Study Focuses on Post-Surgical Hypoparathyroidism
James Norman, MD, FACS, FACE, recently reported on his study of post-surgical hypoparathyroidism, in the Summer 2010 newsletter of the nonprofit patient support organization, the Hypoparathyroidism Association.
Hypoparathyroidism results from loss or damage to the parathyroid glands, located next to the thyroid gland, during surgery. People with hypoparathyroidism experience difficult symptoms and other life challenges, added costs, and the need to take high doses of calcium and Vitamin D every day for the rest of their lives.
Dr. Norman noted that the acceptable rate of hypoparathyroidism “during an operation on the thyroid or parathyroid glands is about 1% or less, as reported in the medical literature.”
He examined information from 215 patients with surgeon-induced hypoparathyroidism, of whom 80% had thyroid disease and 20% had parathyroid disease. The surgeons or their office managers provided information on the number of parathyroid or thyroid operations performed by that surgeon in the past 2 years.
Dr. Norman reported that “every patient who developed hypoparathyroidism had a surgeon that performed thyroid/parathyroid surgery less than twice per week. Ninety Five percent (95%) of the surgeons who caused this performed less than one thyroid/parathyroid operation per week.”
Over half of patients who were permanently hypoparathyroid never asked their surgeon about his/her experience in performing this operation.
Dr. Norman also reported that “surgeons who perform more than 150 thyroid/parathyroid operations per year are extremely unlikely to cause hypoparathyroidism, while those that perform fewer than 20 of these operations annually have a 10% chance of causing this or another serious complication.”
He concluded, “Patients must check on the qualifications and experience of their surgeons if they expect the lowest possible complication rates.”
Notes and credits:
(1) The Hypoparathyroidism Association web site is
(2) A ThyCa conference session in October will focus on coping with hypoparathyroidism, with James Sanders, Founder of the Hypoparathyroidism Association (HPTH), as well as Carol Sanders, Board Member, and Julie Hunsaker, also of HPTH. ThyCa and HPTH are working together toward our mutual goal of educating patients and reducing the incidence of post-surgical hypoparathyroidism.
(3) James Norman, MD, FACS, FACE, has authored over 200 peer-reviewed articles, mostly on endocrine and parathyroid disorders. He founded the National Parathyroid Education Foundation.
Sherryl Pascal, Ms. East Coast Globe 2011, Raises Awareness
Sherryl Pascal, Ms. East Coast Globe 2010, and thyroid cancer survivor, has been busy raising awareness of thyroid cancer, as well as funds for thyroid cancer research. Last year, she donated the proceeds from the sale of her cute litter of “ThyCa Puppies” to ThyCa. This year she is hosting a booth at a large community event. We’re pleased to announce that Sherryl also will be joining us in Dallas in October for the 13th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference. Thank you, Sherryl!
More Events Support the 2010 Rally for Research
- Thank you to Phil Doetch for your 1,000,000 Steps for Bob Walk, in memory of Bob Dubcich.
- Thank you to Mohan Komanduri for running a marathon and raising funds at the same time for ThyCa.
- Thank you to Jessica S. for your Bowl-a-Thon on September 26th in honor of your father, Bruce, a thyroid cancer survivor.
- Thank you to everyone who has already signed up for the Dinner/Auction Fundraiser on Saturday, October 16th in Dallas, Texas.
All of the fundraisers, large or small, help ThyCa fund Thyroid Cancer Research so we can work toward a future of better treatment options, and cures for all thyroid cancer. Click here for details of these and other 2010 Rally for Research Events, and how you can get involved
The Story of the Thyroid Cancer Colors
Why do we represent thyroid cancer with three colors? The Awareness Ribbon Pins, Magnet Ribbons, and ThyCa graphic all display the three colors: deep blue/purple, pink, and teal.
The 3 colors were selected nearly 12 years ago by thyroid cancer survivor.
Cherie LC, a ThyCa volunteer. The deep blue/purple represents the throat energy center, pink represents spiritual influences in healing, and teal is a healing color.
The 3-color combination also emphasizes the variety of situations with thyroid cancer, because there are different types of thyroid cancer. Also, thyroid cancer affects people of all ages, from young children through seniors.
September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, and this month and throughout the year we can all wear our colors proudly. Thank you very much for raising awareness.
Thank You to Organizations Supporting Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month
We soon will honor the participating organizations and individuals. Watch the Raise Awareness page on our web site.
Second Edition Book Presents Expertise of 27 Physicians
Now available from ThyCa is the just-published Second Edition of Thyroid Cancer: A Guide for Patients that presents the expert knowledge of 27 physicians, plus other medical specialists, patients, and a caregiver. With 33% more content than the highly praised first edition, this respected reference has 434 pages (including numerous checklists and illustrations), 40 chapters, and 40 authors.
The forewords, by Ernst Mazzaferri, M.D., and R. Michael Tuttle, M.D., ThyCa Medical Advisors, will soon be available on the Reference Book page. The first edition is also available in Spanish. The order forms for both the English and Spanish editions are on the ThyCa web site. Proceeds from books ordered from ThyCa benefit thyroid cancer research and ThyCa’s free support services.
Early-Bird Conference Registrations Come from 34 States, Canada, United Kingdom
People are coming from near and far to the 13th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference. Early-bird registration continues through September 15th. Advance registration will continue, both online and by mail, until October 9. We also welcome walk-in attendees for onsite registration at the conference. Scholarships are available to help anyone who can’t afford the conference registration fee. Help spread the word, by telling others about this wonderful event. Hope to see you at the conference!
The 15th Anniversary Collection Grows
We’ve received wonderful stories and poems for ThyCa’s 15th Anniversary Year. You, too, can be a voice for thyroid cancer! Help ThyCa mark our 15th Year Milestone. Send your story, poem, essay, or photo sharing your thoughts and images of your experience with thyroid cancer, to Choose your theme: (1) My Thyroid Cancer Journey, (2) Voices of Survivors and Caregivers, (3) How ThyCa Helps Me. Send up to 500 words, in plain text in the e-mail message. Or send a photo in JPEG format, with a caption up to 25 words. Please include your first name, last initial or name, and where you live (whatever information you will allow us to share with others).
To receive our free online newsletter, plus announcements of ThyCa events and activities, fill out our Guestbook form
To protect each person’s privacy, the mailing list is for the sole use of ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., and its affiliates. ThyCa does not ever sell or give away any contact information.
Have You Visited Our Web Site Lately?
We’re excited to report that the web site receives more than 320,000 visits per month —more than 10,000 each day.
Almost every day our volunteer webmasters make new additions or updates. Recent additions include new local support groups and the latest conference speaker list.
A great place to start reading is the Newly Diagnosed section.
Here, you’ll find lots of topics to choose from. You’ll learn the basics about each type of thyroid cancer, with details about diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up, and links to further guidelines and resources.
On, more than 650 web pages provide extensive information about all types of thyroid cancer, connections to a broad range of free support services and events, and details about awareness campaigns, as well as fundraising for thyroid cancer research.
Free downloadable publications include the Free Low-Iodine Cookbook in English, Spanish, and French, plus dozens of other publications. A Chinese language translation is also in progress.
Thank you very much to the more than 50 thyroid cancer specialists who provide their input and expertise, to Betty Solbjor and Joel Amromin, our webmasters, and to the many dozens of volunteers on ThyCa’s Publications and Web Site Teams.
Low-Iodine Recipe of the Month
Mango and Sticky Rice Pudding
Contributed by Leah Guljord from a recipe on
- 1 cup Thai Sweet Rice (also called ‘sticky rice’, available at Asian food stores)
- 1-2 ripe mangos, cut into bite-size pieces (frozen mango can be used, just be sure to thaw completely)
- 4-5 Tbsp. sugar
- 1/4 tsp. non-iodized salt
- 1 can coconut milk
- 1 ¾ cup water (for boiling or steaming the rice)
Soak the rice in 1 cup of water for at least 20-30 minutes, or up to 4 hours.
Do not drain the rice. Simply add 3/4 cup (more) water, plus 1/4 can coconut milk, 1/4 tsp. salt, and 1 Tbsp. sugar. Stir this into the rice.
Bring to a gentle boil, then partially cover with a lid (leaving some room for steam to escape). Reduce the heat (to medium-low if your stove has temperature settings).
Simmer this way for 20 minutes, or until the coconut-water has been absorbed by the rice. Turn off the heat, but leave the pot on the burner with the lid on tight. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes.
To make the sauce, warm (do not boil) the rest of the can of coconut milk over medium-low heat (5 minutes). Add 3 Tbsp. sugar, stirring to dissolve.
Taste-test the sauce for sweetness, adding more sugar if desired. (Note that it will taste less sweet when added to the rice).
Add scoops of rice (portion out 1 scoop per person) directly to the sauce pot and stir over low heat, gently breaking apart large lumps, but leaving smaller lumps/chunks). Now add the mango pieces and gently stir until everything is warmed through. Portion out into serving bowls, making sure that everyone has equal amounts of rice, mango, and plenty of sauce. Enjoy!
Serves 3 – 4. This recipe is so delicious. Tastes great left-over cold also
Thank you, Leah, for encouraging so many people to contribute to the FREE Downloadable Low-Iodine Cookbook, and for your wonderful work with this book.
Free and Downloadable
Download the new expanded 7th edition of the Low-Iodine Cookbook in English for free, with more than 3400 favorite recipes from more than 150 generous volunteers.
The Cookbook is also available in Spanish and French. Please remember, while you’re welcome to download and print the entire free low-iodine cookbook, you can also print just the pages you need.
This free cookbook is a wonderful help when you’re preparing to receive radioactive iodine for treatment or testing. All the recipes are favorites of some of our ThyCa volunteers, who are sharing them with everyone, to make the low-iodine diet easy and tasty. The recipes are also great for family meals and for potlucks, any time.
If you’d like to contribute your favorite recipe or tip, send it to
Serving People in 55 Countries
ThyCa is proud to report that our services currently are reaching people throughout the United States and in 54 other countries around the world. Thank you to everyone who is helping to connect people worldwide with ThyCa’s free education, support services, and special events.
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is now on Facebook (Group Name: THYCA).
Thank you to everyone who’s already become a THYCA Friend or Fan! Send us your messages and suggestions!
Help Support the 2010 Rally for Research
Thanks to generous contributions and special fundraising events, ThyCa has awarded new thyroid cancer research grants every year starting in 2003. These grants support our goal of cures for all thyroid cancer and a future free of thyroid cancer. We plan to award new research grants in 2010.
You can help support the Rally for Research. For details about the Rally for Research, donation opportunities, special events, Quarters for a Cure, and information about ThyCa’s past and future Research Grants, visit the Rally for Research page.
You’re Invited To Become a Member
Help us sustain, strengthen, and extend our services. We invite you to join ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.
Your membership dues will support ThyCa’s efforts to reach and serve other survivors and their families around the world. Members receive our quarterly Membership Messenger newsletter.
You may join as a 1-year member ($25), 2-year member ($45), or lifetime member ($225). Click here for our secure online Membership Form and our mailed Membership Form.
For details and contacts, go to our Calendar and see the articles earlier in this newsletter.
- Every Day: Thyroid Cancer Awareness Activities by volunteers around the world, to promote early detection, care according to expert standards, connections with free education and support services, and research for cures for all thyroid cancer.
- Every Month. ThyCa’s Thyroid Cancer Support Group Meetings in Your Community. Several new support groups begin in September.
- September 2010. Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, Worldwide. Sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. since 2000. Click here for tips on raising awareness, plus free materials.
- Friday, September 10, 2010. Stand Up To Cancer One-Hour Broadcast at 8 p.m. / 7 p.m. Central on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, HBO, and other channels. ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is helping publicize this event. Volunteers from the ThyCa Los Angeles Support Group will represent ThyCa at this event, wearing Thyroid Cancer Awareness Shirts as part of Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month.
- Saturday, September 11, 2010. Michael Karl, M.D., To Speak at the meeting of ThyCa North Miami Dade, Florida, Support Group, on THE ABC’s of THYROID CANCER.
- Saturday, September 11, 2010. Juan C. Jaume, M.D., Endocrinologist, will be a guest at the meeting of the ThyCa Madison, Wisconsin, support group.
- Saturday, September 25, 2010, Karen E. Agersborg, D.O., Endocrinologist and Chief of Endocrinology at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia, will speak at the meeting of the ThyCa Northwest Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Support Group.
- Friday, October 1 (evening) through Sunday, October 3 (afternoon), 2010. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Thyroid Cancer Skills for Healing Retreat. Free weekend support group for people affected by thyroid cancer. With Rob Rutledge, M.D., FRCPC, Radiation Oncologist, Dalhousie University and Nova Scotia Cancer Centre, and Tim Walker, Ph.D., Eastwind Stress Reduction. For more information, call Helen at 902-473-3887 or visit Sponsored by Canadian Cancer Society.
- Friday, October 8, 2010, Los Angeles, California, at UCLA Medical Center. Cancer-Related Legal Issues. Free educational conference sponsored by the Cancer Legal Resource Center.
- The 13th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference
October 15-17, 2010 in Dallas, Texas
Sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. - The 9th Annual Dinner/Auction Fundraiser for Thyroid Cancer Research.
October 16, 2009 in Dallas, Texas
Every day, thousands of people with thyroid cancer, and their families, receive support, education, and hope from ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.
Every day, numerous people distribute ThyCa outreach materials to their physicians, making them aware of a resource that can benefit their patients dealing with a thyroid cancer diagnosis.
Your generous support is what makes it possible to sustain, strengthen, and expand our services and outreach.
It only takes a minute to make a secure donation online in support of ThyCa’s work (or you are welcome to donate by mail to ThyCa, P.O. Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830-1102), so click here to give.
Copyright (c) 2010 ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.
Thank you to our writing, editing, and proofreading team for this issue: Leah Guljord, Pat Paillard, Barbara Statas, Cherry Wunderlich, and Gary Bloom.
Your suggestions for articles are welcome. The deadline for articles and news items is the first day of each month.
Please share ThyCa News Notes with your family and friends. For permission to reprint in another electronic or print publication, please contact us at
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (tax ID #52-2169434) of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health care professionals.
We are dedicated to support, education, and communication for thyroid cancer survivors, their families, and friends, as well as to public awareness for early detection, treatment, and lifetime health monitoring, and to thyroid cancer research fundraising and research grants.
Contact us for free awareness materials and information about our free services and special events. E-mail, call 1-877-588-7904, fax 1-630-604-6078, write PO Box 1102, Olney, MD 20830-1102, or visit ojur web site.