Thyroid Cancer Research Grant Funds Available from ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Grant To Be Awarded in 2004
The second thyroid cancer research grant to be sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. (ThyCa) will be awarded in the spring of 2004, ThyCa Board Chair Gary Bloom has announced.
The American Thyroid Association (ATA) has announced the grant proposal requirements on the Home Page of its web site.
Preliminary proposals for the ThyCa-sponsored grant are being solicited and are due at the American Thyroid Association by January 31, 2004. ATA’s review panel will rank the preliminary proposals and ask authors of selected proposals to submit full grant applications, from which the grant recipient will be selected.
“We are proud of ThyCa’s growing efforts to raise funds for research to improve the treatment of thyroid cancer, the most common endocrine cancer. Thyroid cancer is one of the few cancers that is increasing in incidence. More research on this challenging disease is urgently needed. We are grateful to everyone in the endocrinology community for their for people coping with thyroid cancer,” says ThyCa Board Chair Gary Bloom.
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., is an all-volunteer, national nonprofit 501 (c)(3) service organization of thyroid cancer survivors, families, and health care professionals. ThyCa’s mission is education, support, and communication for people at all stages of testing, treatment, and follow-up for all types of thyroid cancer, as well as for their families and friends.
Free support services and resources include ThyCa’s award-winning educational web site, seven e-mail support groups, local support groups in 30 states coast to coast, a Person To Person Network giving one-to-one support, a toll-free survivors’ telephone number, a free online newsletter, a free downloadable low-iodine cookbook, and free regional one-day workshops. In addition, ThyCa’s annual international conference brings together thyroid cancer survivors, families, and experts in thyroid cancer treatment and research.
The 7th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference will take place October 22-24, 2004 in Chicago, Illinois at the Hyatt Deerfield Hotel. Speakers will include thyroid cancer specialist physicians, other specialists, long-term thyroid cancer survivors, and caregivers.
Information about thyroid cancer, ThyCa’s free support services, free downloadable publications, and the annual conference is available by writing to PO Box 1545, New York, NY 10159-1545, e-mail, or the ThyCa web site.