Thyroid Cancer Survivors Invited to Take Part in ThyCa’s Online Thyroid Cancer Patient Experiences Survey
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. invites thyroid cancer survivors to take part in its online Thyroid Cancer Patient Experience Survey.
The survey questionnaire is available on ThyCa’s web site, on the right side of the Home Page. Participants start by clicking on the words “Click here” on the introduction page and will then reach further pages with a “Continue” button at the bottom of each page.
ThyCa’s goal in sponsoring the survey is to provide key information for both health care professionals and patients on thyroid cancer treatment, management, and the experiences of thyroid cancer survivors.
The survey results will be reviewed by thyroid cancer specialist physicians and will be published on the ThyCa web site.
The survey has several dozen questions, including questions for everyone diagnosed with thyroid cancer, plus groups of questions specifically designed for each type of thyroid cancer. The questionnaire uses the skip-logic technique so that participants will see questions that apply only to their own type of thyroid cancer. The survey is anonymous and confidential.
The questionnaire was developed by ThyCa volunteers with input from thyroid cancer specialist physicians. Survey funding came from the Advisory Board Foundation, Genzyme Therapeutics, and ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc.
To take part in the survey and for information about thyroid cancer and ThyCa’s free support services, publications, and special events, visit the ThyCa web site.