Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Capital Area Workshop Saturday, April 27
On April 27, thyroid cancer survivors and family members will meet from 9 to 3 for a daylong workshop at Inova Health System’s Life with Cancer Family Center, 2832 Juniper Street, Merrifield, Virginia. The Center has free parking and is near the Beltway I-495 and Route 29, Lee Highway.
This free workshop brings an opportunity to meet other survivors and families, hear presentations by physician specialists, and learn and share about thyroid cancer care.
The four physicians who will lead sessions and answer questions include Lisa M. Boyle, M.D., surgeon at the Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.; Frank R. Crantz, M.D., endocrinologist in Alexandria, Virginia; Yolanda Oertel, M.D., pathologist and Director of the Fine Needle Aspiration Service at the Cancer Institute of the Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.; and Matthew D. Ringel, M.D., endocrinologist at the Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.
Topics include Ask an Endocrinologist, Ask a Surgeon, Diagnostic Issues, What You Need to Know If You’re New to Thyroid Cancer, Low Iodine Diet, Thyrogen, Radioiodine Therapy, Communicating with Health Care Professionals, Communicating with Your Children and Families, and
Survivor and Caregiver Roundtables.
Registration for the workshop is onsite. Transportation directions are on the ThyCa web site in the Conferences/Workshops section.
This workshop is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., and hosted by volunteers from the four thyroid cancer
support groups serving DC, Maryland, and Virginia. ThyCa is an all-volunteer nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health care professionals.
ThyCa’s other free services and resources include seven e-mail support groups, local support groups in 24 states, a person-to-person network,
an award-winning educational web site that receives more than 50,000 visits each month, a survivors’ toll-free telephone number, a free downloadable low-iodine cookbook, and a free online newsletter.
ThyCa also sponsors Thyroid Cancer Awareness Week in September and the Fifth Annual Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conterence, which takes place October 11-13 in Los Angeles, California.
For more information about the April 27 workshop, e-mail to or visit ThyCa’s web site