Two Different Surveys by ThyCa Medical Advisors
Thyroid Cancer Survivors Are Invited To Take Part in All 3 Surveys
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc., has been invited to help teams, led by 3 of our Medical Advisors, collect information on different aspects of thyroid cancer management and patients’ experiences.
Click on the links below to take part.
Each survey takes just a few minutes to complete. This is a chance for all of us to impact our care going forward.
- Voice Following Thyroid Cancer Surgery
This survey is for everyone who has had thyroid cancer surgery. The goal is to receive information from patients whose voices stayed the same, as well as those who experienced a voice disorder following their thyroid cancer surgery. Please complete this survey, whether your voice stayed the same or whether it changed after thyroid cancer surgery. The survey team is led by David Myssiorek, M.D., Otolaryngologist - Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use
Please complete the following survey regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use. The survey team is led by Stephanie L. Lee, M.D., Ph.D., Endocrinologist.
Thank you for your participation.